The sclerometric test is a kind of check very rapid and agile enabling, without damaging the investigated areas, to examine a considerable number of structures in a short time. It also enables to evaluate the possible resistance and compression of the concrete by establishing the relating impact hardness provided by the used tool.
The test is performed by placing the sclerometer in contact with the surface, after a treatment with a medium-grain abrasive stone in carborundum, in perpendicular direction and measuring the rebounds of a steel cursor pushed hard on the surface. A graduated spring and its needle indicate the rebound index on a scale. For each test surface 10 measurements are performed and their results, properly arithmetically mediated, provide the sclerometric rebound index. With this value it is possible to extrapolate from a diagram provided by the manufacturer company of the tool the possible cubic resistances to the examinated concrete compression, with the relating dispersion.
The limits, inherent with the method itself influenced by the conditions of humidity and concrete carbonation, can be exceeded through appropriate calibrations which can be performed through the traditional destructive tests (cork borer and related compression tests).
The test is standardized by the rule UNI 9189, requiring to perform at least 10 beatings on each examinated structure’s area and by the rule UNI EN 12504-2

sclerometrotabella di conversione

Main applications

  • Establishing a possible resi stance to concrete pression

Main advantages

  • Non invasive technique
  • Establishing immediately the test and the performance rapidity values