This test consists in producing one or more concentrated strengths on a longitudinal line of the floor. The strengths are calculated in order to produce the same maximum tension state expected by the project fo applying the distributed load.
For strengths production one or more jacks are employed. Those transfer the upper floor’s weight to the load line of the floor in question.
This is what is called “pushing method” and it could be realized while the upper floor is just dumped of the positive moment due to its own weight. This circumstance takes place in most cases.
At the level below, through telescopic poles, the motion sensors are connected to the intrados for detecting the indicators. Other possible sensors are installed for detecting the rotations, measuring the tensions in specific points and detecting the variation of pre-existing cracking.
In special cases, if it’s not possible to employ push or pull jacks since there are some contrast difficulties, PVC bulk bags of various sizes are employed. Those allow to reach 75 cm height of water. This test consists in laying the bulk bags along the floor’s span, filling it with water up to a height allowing to reach the test load and measuring its longitudinal and transversal strain.
Installing all the needed equipment requires short time, 15÷30 minutes. That allows to perform the test on various structures throughout the same day. It should be noted that finished floors, fournitures etc don’t represent technic difficulties and are not damaged; moreover the load can be applied with whatever speed or scaling and it’s possible to remove it instantly making the test absolutely not invasive.
Principali vantaggi
- Tecnica non invasiva
- La facile ripetibilità delle sollecitazione consente processi di studio basati su metodi iterativi oltre alla garanzia di verificare i risultati ottenuti
- Determinazione immediata dei valori di prova